Isn’t it great when the monotony of your day-to-day, regular, boring life gets broken up by something completely wild? Of course, I mean within reason. It's probably not so great if a rocket-powered lawnmower crashes into your living room during your dog's bar mitzvah. But it's the randomness of life that keeps things interesting, for sure. The situations we're looking at today may not even have much rhyme or reason, but we're glad we can share the laughs with the people who've experienced them. Let's see if these people are having a stranger day than you are…
1. Following instructions very carefully can lead to some strange circumstances…
via Imgur / puggless2
2. This is why you don't get in a fight with anyone from Looney Tunes
via reddit / iBleeedorange
3. You gotta hand it to her for stickin' to it
via reddit / [deleted]
5. Sometimes you have to sacrifice fashion for comfort, but sometimes you nail them both!
via Imgur / OnniMatikainen
6. I knew there was something squirrely about that guy!
via reddit / real_nice_guy
7. This is a pretty good observation, but what kind of day were you having that you'd realize this?
via Imgur / HostileNumber17
8. I would love to watch this interaction go down in real time:
via theCHIVE
9. When a performance artist steals your phone to work in a new medium…
via Instagram / t.w.u.r.kk
10. We all have that one friend…yet many questions remain.
via theCHIVE