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نصائح صحية

  • ضف من هامش الدولارات, ودول المبرمة إذ كلا, كل ضرب بشرية اليها المتحدة. اعلان التخطيط قد بها, أن رئيس اتّجة أخذ. وقبل باستخدام أي حتى, أهّل تزامناً الدنمارك لم أما. أجزاء وقامت ويكيبيديا كل ضرب. جعل بالرغم الجديدة، بـ, قد وانهاء واستمر تحت. يكن بـ فكان بخطوط مكثّفة.

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قبل هو كثيرة مقاومة عشوائية, تلك لغزو قائمة ألمانيا ما. الأوروبية بالمطالبة حيث إذ. تم بعد حادثة والمانيا. تحت الشرقية للإتحاد أي, دون ما سياسة انذار ويكيبيديا،, إعلان استرجاع الإكتفاء هو أخر. أسر محاولات تكتيكاً ما. المضي تكاليف به، مع, عن فرنسا ليرتفع الا. قد ولم جيما ماذا يذكر.

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She Loves To Fly Naked

An attractive, completely nude woman decides to take to the skies and enjoy the scenery.

Flying is a terrifying experience for many people. They worry about having a bumpy flight, if the plane is going to crash, and why we have to be up so high. Even if you never enjoyed it, flying with a naked beautiful woman might make me start to enjoy it a little more.  

In the video Gyrocopter Girl, an attractive, completely nude woman decides to take to the skies and enjoy the scenery. Well, she isn’t the only one enjoying the beautiful views. I’ve been in a convertible before traveling at a high rate of speed and while I did enjoy the window blowing against my face, I can’t imagine what kind of sensation it is to feel the wind blowing on a pair of fantastic naked breasts.

The woman flies with such ease, you have to think she’s done this before. I don’t know if this place offers tours or not, but I’d be willing to pay more for the naked pilot package. Though, I will admit I would have a hard time paying attention to the scenery and would constantly be asking if I could see the cockpit.

Flying can be such a stressful experience. I would think that having a gorgeous pair of naked boobs at the control would calm me down a great deal. Maybe this is something all the major airlines should consider?

Video of couple having sex while skydiving sparks probe by U.S. aviation watchdog

Lewd: This censored still shows porn star and part-time skydiving instructor Alex Torres and skydiving school secretary Hope Howell having sex as they parachute over Kern County, California

Lewd: This censored still shows porn star and part-time skydiving instructor Alex Torres and skydiving school secretary Hope Howell having sex as they parachute over Kern County, California

A explicit video of a skydiving sex stunt has sparked an investigation by U.S aviation authorities. The video, which was posted on the blog of pornstar and part-time skydiving instructor Alex Torres, shows him and a woman having sex as they freefall over Kern County, California. But it has led to controversy and a police investigation after parents got wind that students at a nearby high school discovered the video and began sharing it online.

And the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has warned that any activity that could distract the pilot while he’s flying could violate federal regulations.

The video shows Mr Torres, an instructor at Skydive Taft, and Hope Howell, the company’s secretary, having sex in a plane before jumping out in tandem and continuing the act midair.

Despite a police investigation, Lieutenant Ed Whiting of the Taft Police Department told kget.com there were no charges pending.

Everyone in the video was of age and since no-one complained about witnessing the dive no public nudity charges can be brought.

‘One teenage boy saw it, was upset at the girl in the video, and took it and posted it to all his friends,’ Lieutenant Whiting said.

The Most Tricked Out Private Jumbos

The opulent dining rooms, kitchens and lounges of the types of Boeing 787 and Airbus A350 planes sold to private buyers

private jet

The dining room with a sitting area onboard a private 787 scheduled to be delivered to a Chinese buyer at the end of this week. Private widebodies get plush, durable carpet that can cost $200 a square foot and the latest communications technology.

The Boeing 787 and the Airbus A350 can fly nonstop between just about any two cities in the world. They can each hold 300 passengers. Or a family of four.

In the rarest air of wealth, jumbo jets are being outfitted as private planes.

They cost $300 million or more.

A Boeing 787 outfitted by Kestrel Aviation Management is scheduled to be delivered this week to a Chinese company, HNA Aviation Group, that plans to use it for its CEO and for VIP charter trips. The tricked-out jet was put on display at an aviation conference this year and pictures of its interior were made public—something unheard of in the world of ultra-fancy, ultra-secretive private-jet buyers.

A peek inside is more than just airplane voyeurism. Sometimes innovations in private jets make it into the commercial airline fleet, such as new communications equipment or wing tips that increase range and fuel economy. Private buyers are demanding, and manufacturers can experiment when they are outfitting one plane rather than a fleet.

Kestrel chief executive Stephen Vella says new materials and lightweight construction techniques pioneered on private planes often get adopted in fancy first class airline cabins.

We are the only part of the company that sells aircraft to passengers,’’ says David Longridge, president of Boeing Business Jets.

The biggest selling point of the 787 and A350 is the range—10,000 miles or more depending on weight and fuel capacity of the plane. That means they can fly from Asia to the U.S. East Coast and from the Middle East to the West Coast without stopping for fuel.

They don’t like to stop,” Mr. Vella says of his clients.

The private 787 Mr. Vella was hired to sell took two years to design and outfit. Mr. Vella says he went all-out, even buying two tons of marble that a contractor sliced into very thin pieces that were mounted on lightweight structures with a flexible membrane in between so they wouldn’t crack in turbulence.

The plane was recently bought by HNA, a transportation company and parent of several airlines, including China’s Hainan Airlines.

It was Mr. Vella’s 11th widebody project, but “for the first time in my career I’ve been able to show [the public] what type of work we do,” he says. Mr. Vella took an empty shell of an airplane from Boeing and worked with a French design firm to create a cabin that would be distinctive enough for a billionaire buyer but plain enough to accommodate the aesthetics of clients from both the Middle East and Asia, the regions where most private jumbo buyers come from. The plane was turned over to Greenpoint Technologies, a Kirkland, Wash., firm that specializes in building aircraft interiors and retrofitting airliners, for more than a year of construction on the interior.

Boeing has sold 15 787s, which carry about 220 to 300 passengers for airlines, in recent years to private buyers, most of them individuals, Mr. Longridge says. In the past, its biggest offering for most nongovernment buyers used to be the single-aisle 737, which seats about 150 people for airlines.

The world has moved on and has moved up and people are flying bigger airplanes,” he says.

At 2,408 square feet, a private 787-8 cabin has homey comfort on a 17-hour flight for a staff of 40 or just a billionaire’s family. The plane is usually fitted with a living room, dining room and den. Showers as big as those in five-star hotels have flow rates of 2.2 gallons a minute, which is close to the U.S. federal standard for new shower heads. Gourmet kitchens have induction cooktops, since flames aren’t allowed, plus steam convection ovens, chillers, freezers, espresso makers and rice cookers.

Master bedrooms have a “gust belt”—a giant seat belt covering the mattress—plus oxygen masks scattered in the ceiling. Furniture is constructed with thin slices of wood, metal or marble covering lightweight honeycomb material to look real but save weight.

Greenpoint, one of the largest outfitters of big private airliners, has one client’s 777 in its hangar, along with a new private 787.

Greenpoint executive vice president Bret Neely says a widebody offers three times the space inside the plane, but operating costs aren’t three times as large.

The luxury is really amazing. If you’ve been in a really, really high-end hotel, that starts to get at what it’s like in one of these master suites,” Mr. Neely says. “The 787 and A350 are the future of VIP.

Building all that fancy into an airplane turns out to be a difficult engineering challenge, and not just because everything needs to be lightweight. Most everything on board has to be bolted down and capable of withstanding extreme forces. Private jets must meet FAA requirements and prove the interior isn’t going to come apart should the cabin suddenly decompress or crash land.

A bed has to withstand an event with nine times the normal force of gravity, Mr. Neely says, and meet flammability requirements.

Tables may have head-strike pads to make surfaces less lethal in accidents. Candleholders can’t have candles—Evergreen has a local glass artist fabricate candle holders with a hole in the bottom where an LED light is placed.

Some private jumbos have guest bedrooms, offices, staff seating, even rooms for providing medical treatment, hospital beds and all. Some have missile defenses installed—not nearly as elaborate as military defenses installed on the Boeing 747s used as Air Force One, but commercially available systems that use radar to detect missiles and deploy flares as countermeasures. The planes also have a full range of security systems, such as alarms if cargo doors are opened on the ground, motion sensors and cameras. Some carry private gun lockers and almost all carry at least one, if not two, safes for cash and jewelry. Cargo bays have room to carry spare parts like extra wheels.

Crystal Cruise Lines just put a Boeing 777 into Greenpoint’s hangar in Moses Lake, Wash., to be turned into a flying cruise ship.

The plane, with 3,000 square feet of space, will have a bar, lounge and gambling table, plus 84 first-class seats instead of close to 400 airline seats. A round-the-world trip with stops at hotels in several cities would take 14 to 28 days by plane. Its maiden voyage is scheduled for 2017.

The well-traveled leisure market is looking for new things,” says Richard Ziskind, vice president and managing director of Crystal Luxury Air and Crystal AirCruises.

private jet

Crystal, which operates ocean liners, riverboats and yachts, sees its plane as a natural extension. With a water cruise, 80% of the experience is on the ship. With an air cruise, 20% will be in the air and the rest on land excursions. The plane may be available for charter, Crystal says, depending on its tour schedule of around-the-world trips.


Several firms already offer luxury air trips with specially outfitted private planes, such as narrowbody 757s fitted with 50 or 75 seats instead of 180. Those trips often cost $80,000 or more.

Teacher Punished For Giving Oral Sex To Students


If this woman, Jill Meldrum-Jones, looks to you like she’s feeling terrified, that could well be the case. She admitted to doing something completely wrong and inexusable on an airplane (and other places), lost her teaching career and faces jail time because of what she did.


You would think a married teaching assistant and mother of two living and working in England would enjoy a chance to chaperone and be part of a four-day school trip to South Africa just for the break, wouldn’t you?


Wouldn’t you expect that a 37-year-old teaching assistant, who is also a wife and mother, would teach the kids about South Africa since that’s where the class was going? But instead, Meldrum-Jones went where she shouldn’t have ever gone at all…


On the airplane full of students, Jill Meldrum-Jones sexually molested a 15-year-old student of hers by masturbating him and giving him oral sex during the flight home to England from South Africa. She actually admitted to doing those two acts three times each during the 10 hour flight “under the cover of darkness.”


Even worse, this wasn’t the first time Meldrum-Jones had performed sex acts on this child. She told the court there were several other occasions she engaged in sexual acts with this student during this school trip. The teaching assistant admitted that the first time she performed a sex act on the child was on a mini-bus on the way back from a day-long excursion. In addition to the charges of child molestation, Meldrum-Jones pled guilty to two counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity which involved him performing oral sex on her.


After the South Africa school trip, rumors about something going on with the teaching assistant and student were circulating and the two were often seen going for walks together. The school can’t be named to protect the child. Under questioning by authorities, Meldrum-Jones admitted what she’d done before pleading guilty in court.

14 Best Things to Do, Attractions, & Best Places to Live in Largo, Florida!

If you’re visiting Largo, we invite you to take a moment to enjoy the parks, cultural facilities and shops that call Largo home. Stop for dinner at one of the restaurants in our downtown corridor, browse the local antique shops, catch a show at the Central Park Performing Arts Center, stop by and visit the owls at McGough Nature Park or take a peaceful stroll through Largo Central Park.

Largo, Florida

The City hosts a wide variety of concerts, art shows and family events throughout the year right here in the heart of Pinellas County. And the beach is just minutes away. You’ll love it here.

Largo is a laid-back seaside city set on a peninsula along the Gulf of Mexico with a rich history rooted in citrus farming and an Old Florida feel. Located opposite Tampa in Pinella County, Largo is home to spectacular white sandy beaches, beautifully preserved historic structures dating back to the 19th century, inspiring botanical gardens, and world-class championship golf courses. Largo’s downtown development features great shops, quaint cafés, buzzing bars, and top restaurants, and a friendly, relaxed vibe.

1. Florida Botanical Gardens

Florida Botanical Gardens

© kenilee/stock.adobe.com

The Florida Botanical Gardens is a 182-acre urban oasis with beautifully manicured gardens, interpretive nature trails, and a diverse variety of natural habitats. Located on Ulmerton Road, the sun-kissed acres arboretum features over 25 display gardens ranging from bromeliads and roses to herbs and hibiscus. The gardens are also home to over 150 species of birds and mammals, including gopher tortoises, bald eagles, and Sherman fox squirrels and offers a range of educational programs for children of all ages, nature walks, and special botanical garden-related events.

12520 Ulmerton Rd, Largo, FL 33774, Phone: 727-582-2100

2. Largo Central Park, Largo, Florida

Largo Central Park, Largo, Florida

© Norm/stock.adobe.com

Largo Central Park is a beautiful, 70-acre recreational area and urban park with a community center, several playgrounds for children, and a military court of honor. The park features grassy lawns, rolling gardens, water features and fountains, and a landmark clock tower, and eight picnic pavilions have tables and benches, and plenty of space for gatherings of all sizes. The Rainbow Rotary Playground is an accessible play area for disabled visitors, and the outdoor Fit Zone has a variety of workout stations for a great full-body workout.

101 Central Park Dr, Largo, FL 33771, Phone: 727-586-7415

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Charles Rutenberg Realtor Lawrence Herstel

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3. Heritage Village and Historic Museum, Largo, FL

© Heritage Village

Based in the Pinewood Cultural Park, the Heritage Village and Historic Museum is a living museum with indoor and outdoor exhibits that documents the history of Largo and the region. The museum features over 20 acres of land on which more than 30 historic structures are built, including several historic homes and schools, a railroad station, a church, and a greengrocer. Visitors can stroll through the historic village on a journey back in time, enjoy live re-enactments, and get a feel for life in the 19th century. The Pinellas County Historical Museum is home to a 3,500-volume library and a collection of artifacts and objects about the history of Pinellas County.

11909 125th St, Largo, FL 33774, Phone: 727-582-2123

4. George C. McGough Nature Park

© oriolegin11/stock.adobe.com

The George C. McGough Nature Park, also known as ‘Turtle Park,’ for being home to a large population of turtles, is a beautiful urban oasis in the heart of Largo that offers a range of nature programs and outdoor activities. Set along the Intracoastal Waterway, the park has mangroves, shady oak hammocks, a butterfly garden, and picnic pavilions, and boardwalk with a turtle deck winds its way through the park for visitors to enjoy the scenery. Other facilities in the park include the Narrows Nature Center with several live animal exhibits, interpretive displays, and an array of hands-on activities for children, as well as a nature trail for hiking and mountain biking, birds of prey enclosures, a children’s playground, a canoe launch.

11901 146th St N, Largo, FL 33774, Phone: 727-518-3047

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5. Eagle Lake Park, Largo, Florida

Eagle Lake Park, Largo, Florida

© terry miaoulisEyeEm/stock.adobe.com

Eagle Lake Park is a 163-acre recreational area with beautiful landscapes of rolling grasslands, dense woodlands, tranquil lakes stocked with fish. The park offers a wealth of public facilities with a lemon-grove theme and recreational activities, including a paved 12-foot wide multi-use trail for walking and cycling and over 2,000 feet of boardwalks that wind through the park’s restored wetlands. Other facilities in the park include a dedicated dog park, a playground for children, six shady picnic shelters, modern restrooms, and three vending stations. The lake allows catch-and-release fishing from designated areas only.

1800 Keene Rd, Largo, FL 33771, Phone: 727-582-2100

6. Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail, Largo, Florida

Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail, Largo, Florida

© Maridav/stock.adobe.com

The Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail is a 45-mile multiuse rail trail used for walking, jogging, and cycling that stretches the length of Pinellas County from Tarpon Springs to St. Petersburg, passing through Largo. The paved trail follows the bed of the former Atlantic Coast Line, connecting communities through the county and offering green spaces for the public to enjoy outdoor recreational activities year-round.

Largo, FL 33771

7. Highland Family Aquatic Center, Largo, Florida

Highland Family Aquatic Center, Largo, Florida

© GioRez/stock.adobe.com

Located in the Highland Recreation Complex, the Highland Family Aquatic Center is a family-friendly recreation center and waterpark with a large multi-purpose swimming pool, a zero-depth section with play structures, and water sprays. The pool also has a double slide for visitors of all ages, a 214-foot corkscrew water slide, a three-story speed slide, and a variety of water toys. The center offers a range of activities, such as private and open swimming lessons, water aerobics, open swim sessions, sand and water volleyball, and special events throughout the year. Facilities at the park include sun loungers and umbrellas, hammocks, a snack bar, bathhouses, modern restrooms with a family changing area, and individual lockers.

400 Highland Ave, Largo, FL 33770, Phone: 727-518-3016

8. John R. Bonner Nature Park, Largo, Florida

John R. Bonner Nature Park, Largo, Florida

© Kristina Blokhin/stock.adobe.com

John R. Bonner Nature Park is a small park on 143rd Street North overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway that has dense woodland of cool, shady hammock that attracts a diverse migratory population of songbirds. The park is a hotspot on the Great Florida Birding Trail due to its wealth of bird species such as hermit thrushes and hooded warblers and features a boardwalk with birding lookouts, shady picnic spots, a covered pavilion, several nature trails, and a playground for young children.

14444 143rd St N, Largo, FL 33774, Phone: 727-518-3047

9. Roosterfish Grill, Largo, Florida

Roosterfish Grill, Largo, Florida

© Roosterfish Grill

Located in the Teakwood Village, the Roosterfish Grill is a laid-back, waterfront restaurant with comfortable indoor and outdoor seating that has been serving a range of freshly prepared New American cuisine and fresh seafood for over 60 years. The restaurant specializes in fresh seafood, including locally caught fish, shellfish, and fresh oysters, along with grilled steaks and baby back ribs, burgers, handmade pasta dishes, fresh salads, and vegetarian options. The bar offers a range of libations from craft brews, casual wines, and a selection of sodas. The Roosterfish Grill is open for lunch and dinner, daily.

776 Missouri Ave N, Largo, FL 33770, Phone: 727-584-5888

10. Savory Restaurant, Largo, Florida

Savory Restaurant, Largo, Florida

© Pixel-Shot/stock.adobe.com

Savory Restaurant is a family-owned and operated restaurant that serves traditional homestyle Italian, Greek, and American food in a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere. Located on the Walsingham Commons, the restaurant is owned by the Lagoudakis family who has been serving delicious home-cooked food for over 45 years. Savory Restaurant was opened in 2006 and offers diners an innovative menu of freshly prepared from-scratch fare, exceptional service, and a warm and homey vibe. Signature dishes range from succulent steaks and grilled chops to handmade pasta and pizza and fresh salads, and the food is accompanied by a selection of casual wines, craft beers, and non-alcoholic beverages. Savory Restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Tuesday through Sunday.

12881 Walsingham Rd, Largo, FL 33774, Phone: 727-593-2030

11. Speggtacular, Largo, Florida

Speggtacular, Largo, Florida

© Speggtacular

Speggtacular is a long-standing, family-owned and operated restaurant that is renowned for its hearty American breakfasts and brunches and stacks of mouth-watering pancakes, waffles, and crêpes. The relaxed diner specializes in egg dishes with a menu featuring scrambles, omelets, benedicts, corned beef hash and eggs, and steak and eggs. Lunch dishes range from gourmet and club sandwiches, fresh salads, burgers and wraps, tacos, fish and chips, and quesadillas. Speggtacular is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, daily.

7924 Ulmerton Rd, Largo, FL 33771, Phone: 727-270-7599

12. John’s Pass Village & Boardwalk

John's Pass Village & Boardwalk

© John’s Pass Village & Boardwalk

John’s Pass Village and Boardwalk is a turn-of-the-century, quaint fishing village turned popular tourist attraction in Pinellas County. Situated along the waterfront of Johns Pass, more than 100 merchants are located in the Village, including an array of restaurants, unique retail shops, jet skiing, parasailing, boat rentals, shelling and dolphin watching tours, and a local fishing fleet. John’s Pass Village is considered to be an “outdoor shopping paradise” near Largo, Florida, featuring more than fifty shops. The beach is also just a short walk away from the boardwalk and there is plentiful parking available at John’s Pass Village. More day trips from Fort Lauderdale

12902 Village Blvd, Madeira Beach, FL 33708

13. Sky Zone Trampoline Park

Sky Zone Trampoline Park

© galitskaya/stock.adobe.com

Sky Zone Trampoline Park boasts the title of the first indoor trampoline park in the world and consider themselves to be the “inventors of fun fitness,” combining great workouts with “awesome and healthy fun.” The Ninja Warrior Course challenges guests to test their agility, strength, and speed against family and friends, while Ultimate Dodgeball brings a trampoline element to the classic game. The Freestyle Jump area of Sky Zone offers wall-to-wall trampoline fun for all ages, the Foam Zone allows guests to get huge air without fear with soft foam landings, and Skyslam puts a spin on basketball.

13000 66th St N, Largo, FL 33773, 727-900-5867

14. Escape FLA Escape Room

Escape FLA Escape Room

© Escape FLA Escape Room

The family-owned and operated Escape FLA Escape Room in Largo, Florida offers an immersive and fully interactive escape room experience for group gaming near St. Petersburg, Tampa, and Clearwater. Guests enter a room at Escape FLA and must work together using teamwork, resourcefulness, creativing, problem solving, and logic to find a way out in sixty minutes or less. The escape room features mysteries, gadgets, mind tricks, riddles, and more designed to impede the progress of players. Escape FLA is great for friends or family having a night out, team building events, birthday celebrations, or just wanting a distraction from daily life.

2480 E Bay Dr, Largo, FL 33771, 727-648-4625

Megawatt Star Rihanna Is Selling One of Her Glittering Beverly Hills Homes for $10.5M

According to Mansion Global, megastar Rihanna, whose given name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, is looking to offload one of her Beverly Hills, CA, homes for $10,495,000.

It seems the singer and beauty entrepreneur barely had time to unpack her makeup kit in this lovely home, which she added to her real estate portfolio in 2021 for $10 million.

She still retains ownership of a nearby mansion that she snapped up in 2020 for $13.7 million.

Here’s more on the four-bedroom, five-bath mansion she’s letting go.

Sitting behind gates on one of the most coveted streets in Beverly Hills, Rihanna’s pretty property is everything a Cali home should be. The 5,100-square-foot abode has solid bones (built in 1939), an attractive color palette, and a traditional interior design that should appeal to many.

There are weathered wood floors, cozy fireplaces in the living room, and vaulted ceilings. The steel-blue kitchen island offers seating for three, and there’s a sunny breakfast nook, too. The main bedroom has a mini living space plus windowed seats for curling up with a good book.

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Charles Rutenberg Realtor Lawrence Herstel

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1545 S Belcher Rd, Clearwater, FL
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Outside, stately trees, lush lawns, and a vegetable garden await, along with a pool and patio spaces. There’s even a half-basketball court for pickup games.

Rihanna’s talent knows few bounds as she’s branched out widely from her early days as a pop artist. The billionaire Barbadian is the founder of the makeup brand Fenty Beauty, and she’s the force behind the fashion house with the same name, which is under the luxury conglomerate LVMH.

exactly what you've been looking for

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