List your clearwater beach home or condo with lawrence herstel

"I truly enjoy the experience of helping people list their Clearwater home or condo.

My knowledge of the real estate business and expertise in negotiating the transaction ensure that my sellers will get the most amount of money in their sale.

Communication with all parties involved in the sale is paramount. This enables me to quickly follow through and handle any issues that may arise in a Clearwater real estate transaction.

Allow me the privilege of listing your home today!"


Lawrence Herstel

(218) 393 1550

Charles Rutenberg Realtor 1545 S Belcher Rd, Clearwater, FL

Andrew Cuomo isn’t messing around

Andrew Cuomo of New York

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is one of the good guys, but he’s not be messed with.

That’s the message he’s basically putting out right now when it comes to the political pressure to prematurely reopen his state during a pandemic. Cuomo is spelling out that he’ll reopen different regions of New York State based on the available scientific data in each region. But he’s making clear that he’s not going to do things, well, stupidly:

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