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"I truly enjoy the experience of helping people list their Clearwater home or condo.

My knowledge of the real estate business and expertise in negotiating the transaction ensure that my sellers will get the most amount of money in their sale.

Communication with all parties involved in the sale is paramount. This enables me to quickly follow through and handle any issues that may arise in a Clearwater real estate transaction.

Allow me the privilege of listing your home today!"


Lawrence Herstel

(218) 393 1550

Charles Rutenberg Realtor 1545 S Belcher Rd, Clearwater, FL

26 Satellites Photos: Incredible Art

Isn’t perspective a fascinating thing? As we all move through our daily lives, walking out the front door, navigating the same streets to the same locations, things can get a little visually monotonous.

The entire world can seem kind of hum drum. Then, one day you’re struck with the urge to turn left two blocks earlier, or you turn up for a train that runs fifteen minutes later, and suddenly the exact same path you’ve wandered countless times before seems like an entirely new journey.

Sure, the beginning is the same, and the destination hasn’t changed, but the slight shift in your routine, in your perspective, has made all the difference. You’d be surprised how alien and awe-inspiring our plain, old planet Earth is if you simply learn to look at it from a new perspective. Take, for instance, these satellite photos, that just might change your perspective for good.

1. The Summit of Mt. Fuji Presents a Far More Ominous Image Than the Benevolent Mountain in Most Pictures of Tokyo

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2. Okay, You Can Make Out the Individual Floors On the Costa Concordia; How Big Do Cruise Ships Need to Be Exactly?

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3. Japan’s Skytree in Tokyo Is Formidable Even Viewed From the Top-Down … And You Have to Feel Bad For the Poor Folks Living in that Shadow

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1545 S Belcher Rd, Clearwater, FL
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4. Chile’s Chuquicamata Copper Mine Looks a Little Less “Earth-Ravage-Y” From Such a Great Height

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5. Taken 423 Miles Above Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Home of the World’s Largest Airplane Graveyard

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6. New York’s Stuyvesant Town Has a Kind of Organized Beauty To It that Belies the Real World Hazards Taking Place On the Ground

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8. Seeing England’s Prestigious Mine Sculpture From Space is the Only Way to Take in the Vast Scale if This Enormous Installation

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9. Even an Average Spaghetti Bowl – Like This One in LA ! Can Turn Into a Jackson Pollock When Viewed At the Right Angle

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10. The World Famous ‘Yas Marina Circuit’ Is Home to Some of Ferrari’s Most Interesting Contraptions

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11. It’s Impossible to Know Exactly How Much Egypt Relies on the Bountiful Nile River Until You See The Concentration of the Country’s Population

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12. The Taiwan Strait’s Floating Fish Farms Are Nomadic Structures That Can Raise Fish in Their Natural Environment

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13. The Three Gorges Dam on China’s Yangtze River Is the World’s Largest Power Station

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14. No, This Isn’t a Poorly Painted Picket Fence, It’s a Treatment Plant in Granada Hills, California

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15. This Photo Shows The Assembled Swarms of Worshippers Who Make the Pilgrimage to Vatican City Each Year For Easter

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16. From Above, Reykjavík Looks Exactly Like the Shelves at an IKEA

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17. Germany’s Steppe Vineyards Produce Some of the World’s Most Unique and Delicious Wines

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18. The Heart-Shaped South Aral Sea in Central Asia Is Surrounded to the South

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19. To Get an Idea Of Exactly How Opulent Louis XIV Was, You Have to See the Palace at Versailles In One Sweeping View

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20. From This High Vantage Point, the Days-Long Bacchanalia That Is Burning Man Almost Looks Peaceful…It Isn’t

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21. Behold the Organized Splendor that Is Suburban Sprawl!

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22. Those Aren’t Islands, That’s a Mat of Plankton South of Fiji

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23. This Chain of Mountains in Chile Was Formed By Volcanic Activity Millions of Years Ago

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24. Monte Carlo’s Annual Yacht Show Is a Magnet for Some of the World’s Most Cutting Edge Tech and Drool-Worthy Nautical Toys

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25. 2012’s Pipeline Fire in Homs, Syria Literally Blacked Out the Sun to a Big Portion of the City

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26. The Region of the Crimea Peninsula Pictured is Nicknamed The Putrid Sea, Because of the Water’s Unpleasant Odor During the Summer Months

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